At the Ceremony following the Trust’s Jubilee Parade, the following people were awarded Honorary Membership.


Alan Myatt, Gloucester Town Crier and Honorary Freeman of the City of Gloucester.  –   Made an Honorary Member at the AGM in April 2023, for all the work he does to promote and support the City of Gloucester and in particular, Gloucester Civic Trust.

Robin Morris with Alan Myatt

Robin Morris with Alan Myatt

Carol Gilbert, Ecclesiastical,  – Made an Honorary Member at the AGM in April 2023, for all the work she does to support Gloucester Civic Trust.  Ecclesiastical is our main Sponsor, printing our Annual Reports and Newsletters and sending them out to members free of charge.  They also print our Membership Application forms and other membership documents and supply us with envelopes and pay for all the postage

Robin Morris with Carol Gilbert of Ecclesiastical

Robin Morris with Carol Gilbert


Mark Cummings, BBC Radio Gloucestershire  – Made an Honorary Member at a ceremony following our Jubilee Parade through the City in May 2023, for all the work he does supporting Gloucestershire and the City of Gloucester in particular

Mark Cummings of BBC Radio Gloucestershire with Martyn White

Martyn White with Mark Cummings


All photos courtesy Mike Smith Photography