Gloucester Heritage Forum
The founder members of the Gloucester Heritage Forum were:
- Gloucester Cathedral.
- Llanthony Secunda Priory Trust.
- Gloucester City Council
- St Mary de Crypt Church
- Canal and River Trust
- Gloucestershire Archives
The wider partners are:
- Gloucester Culture Trust.
- Gloucester History Festival.
- The Civic Trust.
- Gloucestershire Family History Society.
- National Churches Trust.
- Gloucester Wildlife Trust.
- Mariners Church
- Olympus Theatre
- Soldiers of Gloucester Museum
In addition, the Forum connects with a wider group through its members, for example, to partners of the Heritage Hub.
The purposes of the GHF are to:
- Be an advocate for heritage in the city.
- Provide mutual support and networking to individuals and organisations involved in heritage activities, including to assist in joined-up or co-ordinated activity
- Encourage and support “heritage” volunteering.
- Contribute to major city-wide planning and promotion particularly linked to events and tourism.
- Provide strategic support for city-wide initiatives with a heritage component.
- Support heritage organisations in Gloucester seeking National Lottery Heritage Fund or other major grant investment by sharing expertise and providing informal advice.